A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a procedure designed to give your abdominal area better contour. In addition to removing excess skin and fat, the abdominal muscles are tightened to give a smoother look. Whether you have recently lost weight, want to get rid of stretch marks, or are looking for a mommy-makeover, you could be a candidate for an abdominoplasty.


How long will the procedure take?

Abdominoplasty is a procedure done under general anesthesia. It can take about two hours and is done on an outpatient basis.

Where will the incisions be?

The incision is usually from hip-to-hip and made at the lower part of the abdomen. Sometimes this scar can be hidden under your favorite bathing suit or underwear style. A new opening is made for the umbilicus in the skin that is pulled down to give a more youthful look.

What will recovery be like?

Typically, the immediate recovery is about two weeks. This can vary from person-to-person and will be tailored to your individual needs. You should be able to shower about two to three days after the procedure. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled for you about one week later for drain removal. Once the drains are removed, you can transition into a smoother, softer abdominal garment.

What else should I know about abdominoplasty?

Usually one or two drains are left to collect any excess fluid for the next couple of days. You will get detailed instructions on how to care for these drains. Long-acting pain medication is placed throughout the belly to help with post-operative pain. You'll go home with an abdominal garment or binder to help remind you to avoid strenuous activity after your surgery and let the area heal properly. You will need a responsible adult to drive you home and stay with you for at least 24 hours after the surgery. Dr. Aboutanos and her staff will review all of these instructions with you. Dr. Aboutanos will be there every step of the way to ensure the best results.

“She is incredible!!! She handled my care with such kindness, gentleness and respect. She is incredibly knowledgeable and has superior skills. I would recommend her without any reservations to anyone!!”

—Tummy tuck patient