Dr. Aboutanos Speaks with NBC About Amniotic Band Syndrome

Dr. Aboutanos was recently interviewed on NBC’s RVA Parenting about her amazing work with the St. Mary’s Cleft & Craniofacial team as they have helped a local child suffering from amniotic band syndrome.

What is Amniotic Band Syndrome?

This incredibly rare condition occurs when fibrous bands wrap around certain parts of the fetus while it is still in the womb, impacting the way the baby grows and develops.

Children who suffer from amniotic band syndrome, like little Logan in the feature above, are often born with cleft palate, webbed fingers, clubfeet, and other deformities—and they almost always require surgery to live a healthy, happy life.

Dr. Aboutanos has been working with Logan since his birth, and she loves seeing the progress he has made. She will continue working with him in the future to ensure he has the best shot at having a normal childhood.

Read the full article here.


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