How to Make Your Beauty & Skincare Routine Less Wasteful


Do you feel a twinge of guilt each time you toss an empty shampoo bottle? Are you conflicted about using a beauty subscription service (love the convenience, but hate the packaging it takes to get them to your doorstep)?

I sometimes feel this way too. The average woman’s skin and hair care routine involves several products, from moisturizers to SPF to shampoo to makeup. As we get older, even more products enter the picture to fight visible aging. When you step back and think about it, that’s a lot of bottles, tubes, jars, and cotton balls, many of which end up in the trash.

The good news is that reducing the amount of “stuff” you use during your daily skincare and beauty routine doesn’t have to mean reducing your standards. I recently read this article on how to be less wasteful with beauty and skincare on Goodful on Buzzfeed. Several of the tips for zero waste and waste reduction are applicable to my own daily routine, and I think you’ll find them helpful too.

For instance, an act as simple as carrying your own shampoo and conditioner when you travel instead of using hotel room samples can keep hundreds of plastic bottles out of the landfill over the years. Another creative tip is to give products you don’t use to friends rather than letting them pile up in your makeup drawer only to later get thrown out (just make sure they’re not expired first). I encourage you to read all 15 tips in the article to find ideas that resonate with you.

One more tip to simplify your beauty routine: visit a skincare pro

Reducing waste is great, but avoiding it in the first place is even better! An experienced skincare professional can evaluate your skin help you choose the right products for your skin type, concerns, and goals (and avoid a drawer full of items that don’t work). In return, you’ll use every product you buy—and if you’re like most of our patients, you’ll need fewer products in total to keep your skin healthy and glowing, saving you money in the long run.

I truly believe everyone can benefit from a professional skin evaluation, at any age. If you’re in the area, you can contact my office to book an appointment with our Richmond skincare pro.


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