The “Cosmetic Surgery Diet”: What to Eat Before & After Plastic Surgery (With Meal Plans!)
My patients often ask me for recommendations on how to achieve the quickest recovery and best outcome after surgery. In this post, I share exactly what to eat—and what to avoid—leading up to and following your cosmetic procedure so you enjoy outstanding results as quickly as possible.
Can you get capsular contracture in just one breast?: 10 Capsular Contracture FAQs, Answered
Capsular contracture is the most common complication that affects patients who have breast implants, and the condition varies widely in the impact it can have on the breasts’ look and feel. Here, Dr. Sharline Aboutanos, a Richmond plastic surgeon, answers frequently asked questions about capsular contracture and offers insights into how you and your surgeon can reduce your risk.
Can a tummy tuck remove my c-section scar?
Some women heal from a c-section with a barely noticeable scar, while others may experience scars that are pulled in, uneven, or difficult to conceal. A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is designed to tighten and reshape the abdomen—and in most cases, this transformative procedure can also remove your c-section scar. Here, Richmond plastic surgeon Dr. Sharline Aboutanos explains the different tummy tuck techniques she uses to significantly improve or eliminate your scar.
Plagiocephaly & Helmet Therapy: Understanding the Basics
Plagiocephaly is a condition where the back of an infant’s head is flat on one or both sides. This condition is generally harmless (it is often referred to as simply “flat head syndrome”) and can be corrected with appropriate treatment. Dr. Sharline Aboutanos, who specializes in pediatric reconstructive procedures, discusses plagiocephaly and how helmet therapy can effectively address this condition.
3 Considerations When Caring for Your Hair Before & After a Facelift or Neck Lift
Proper hair care before and after facelift or neck lift surgery is important to help you experience a smooth recovery and optimal results, as the incisions for these procedures are placed around the ears and within the hairline. Here, Richmond female plastic surgeon Dr. Sharline Aboutanos shares three essential considerations for hair care before surgery and during your recovery.
Here’s Why People in Warmer Climates May Need More Botox
Did you know that where you live might influence how much Botox you need? A recent study featured in an article by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) highlights an interesting link between sunnier climates and higher Botox dosing needs. While Botox remains one of the most effective non-surgical solutions for reducing expression-based wrinkles, proper dosing is key to experiencing natural, long-lasting results. Dr. Sharline Aboutanos discusses the study and her injection approach, plus she shares tips on how you can extend your Botox results.