Breast implant revision is a procedure performed to correct the positioning of existing breast implants or remove existing scars, called capsular contracture, from around the breast implants. In some cases, the breast implants need to be removed or exchanged for newer ones.


How long will the procedure take?

Breast implant revision or removal is a procedure done under general anesthesia. It can take about one to two hours and is done on an outpatient basis.

Where will the incisions be?

The incision will typically be made through the pre-existing breast incisions; however, there are some cases where a new incision must be made at the base of the breast (inframammary fold). These incisions are typically well-hidden and heal nicely.

What will recovery be like?

Typically, the immediate recovery is about one to two weeks. This can vary from person-to-person depending on the extent of the revision. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled for you approximately ten to 14 days later. You should be able to shower about two to three days after the procedure. You can transition to a soft bra without an underwire two weeks after the surgery.

Initially, you should plan to avoid strenuous exercise, heavy lifting, and housework. You will need to walk and keep your legs moving after surgery to avoid complications.

You will be given a prescription for pain medications and an antibiotic. Most of your sutures will be dissolvable and scar care will be discussed with you at the appropriate time. Dr. Aboutanos and her staff will review all of these instructions with you. Dr. Aboutanos will be there every step of the way to ensure the best results.

What else should I know about breast implant revision/removal?

If desired, new breast implants can be replaced at the same surgical visit. You will need a responsible adult to drive you home and stay with you for at least 24 hours after the surgery.

“Dr. Aboutanos is an awesome plastic surgeon. She is meticulous, patient, professional and knowledgeable with her trade. She does not measure your breast, instead she individually tailor your breast size with your body contour.”

—Tessie G.