How to Get the Most Out of Your Liposuction Results

Woman in bikini on the beach after liposuction surgery

Liposuction is a remarkable procedure, and in the hands of a skilled plastic surgeon, it can transform your body by sculpting and contouring excess fat deposits. Yet surgery alone does not guarantee the transformative results you see in “before and after” photos, since results require specific aftercare measures during recovery and should be maintained long-term with a healthy lifestyle. Below, we explain several ways you can maximize your liposuction results.

Compression Garments

The first key step begins right after the surgery when we put you in a compression garment. This is a piece of clothing we provide that helps to promote beautiful healing and circulation in the surgical area. Specialized compression garments aid in reducing swelling, facilitating skin retraction, and minimizing the risk of seromas or fluid accumulation. Wearing a compression garment as directed by your surgeon is vital for your recovery, as well as the final appearance. 

During the pre-surgical visit, we take your measurements and order a custom garment specific to the area or areas you are having treated. We will check that your garment fits, and ask you to continue to wear it as much as possible for the recommended period to reap the full benefits. You will go home with full recovery instructions, and our Richmond plastic surgery team will also be just a phone call away if you have any questions about how (and for how long) to wear your garment, and when it may be safe to switch them out for your own undergarments.

Liposuction Aftercare

How closely you follow all post-procedure care instructions determines the quality of your results. We will provide you with detailed instructions, which include advice on:

  • Managing discomfort

  • Caring for your healing incisions (liposuction scars are quite small, but still need proper care)

  • Monitoring the surgical area for any changes

  • Treating your scars after incisions have closed

  • Contacting our practice with any concerning symptoms or questions

Follow these instructions consistently to enjoy a quicker healing process, promote beautiful results, and minimize scarring. Patience is important during the recovery period: while you will see results very soon after surgery, swelling continues to diminish for several weeks or even months, so your results will continue to look more refined over time.

Limit alcohol and stop smoking

If you're a smoker or if you use any form of nicotine, including vaping or chewing tobacco, it is absolutely critical that you stop well before your surgery and completely avoid it during the recovery period. This is important because nicotine constricts blood vessels, interfering with your body's ability to heal, potentially slowing the recovery process and compromising your results.

Additionally, you should moderate your alcohol consumption before surgery and avoid it after, since alcohol acts as a blood thinner and can increase bleeding or bruising.

Regular follow-ups with your surgeon

Post-operative visits are crucial for a successful recovery and optimal liposuction results. These appointments allow your surgeon to monitor your progress, address any concerns, and guide your recovery process. Don’t hesitate to bring up any issues or worries during these visits. We are on the same team, with our shared goal being to give you the best results possible.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

In some cases, we may recommend having lymphatic drainage massage after surgery to help reduce swelling. When performed by a knowledgeable massage therapist, this gentle massage technique may aid in minimizing swelling and discomfort and enhance the removal of toxins and waste from the body. It can help to expedite the healing process and reveal your newly contoured body faster.


Drinking lots of water is important to support your recovery from liposuction, so be sure to keep a water bottle handy and aim for around eight glasses a day (needs vary from person to person). Water aids in flushing out toxins, helps maintain skin elasticity, and encourages faster healing.


While you should rest and avoid strenuous activity after surgery, we will gradually get you back to your normal exercise routine in the course of about 4-6 weeks, starting with light and moderate exercise and walking. As you are cleared to resume increasing levels of exercise, embrace it! Physical activity will help you to maintain your weight, which in turn will help to maintain your liposuction results. 

Healthy Diet

Liposuction removes fat cells permanently from the treated area, but you can still gain weight in the remaining fat cells in this and other areas of your body. Maintaining a balanced diet filled with whole foods, lean proteins, and vegetables can help you both maintain your cosmetic results and promote your overall health. Remember to avoid excessive sugar, ultra-processed food, and unhealthy fats, as they can contribute to poor health and weight gain.

Combination Procedures

To achieve a more comprehensive body transformation, we often talk with patients about combining liposuction with another cosmetic surgery. For example, a thigh lift, tummy tuck, facelift, or arm lift could complement your liposuction results by addressing loose skin where needed. 

While a combination will not be required for every patient to achieve their goals, it is a good idea to go into your consultation with an open mind. We will provide advice tailored to your body type and aesthetic goals, and it may include a different procedure or a combination of procedures.

Your journey to a more refined, contoured body doesn't end in the operating room—the surgery is just the beginning. With healthy habits, you can take control and optimize your liposuction results for years to come.

About female plastic surgeon Dr. Sharline Aboutanos

As a board certified plastic surgeon serving patients in Richmond and surrounding areas, Dr. Sharline Aboutanos has the experience and skills to help you achieve your goals through a range of cosmetic surgery procedures. To learn more, schedule a consultation by calling 804-355-3410 or contacting us online today.


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