Tummy Tuck Checklist: Post-Abdominoplasty Essentials

Woman relaxing at home while recovering from tummy tuck surgery

A tummy tuck is one of the most transformative body contouring procedures—involving abdominal muscle repair and removal of excess skin & fat to tighten and reshape the midsection—which makes proper after-care crucial for a smooth recovery and optimal results.  After you’ve chosen an experienced and highly qualified board-certified plastic surgeon to perform your tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) and booked your surgical date, making thoughtful preparations for your recovery can additionally enhance your experience and improve your results. 

Here, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sharline Aboutanos shares a checklist for Richmond tummy tuck patients to help make their post-tummy tuck journey as comfortable as possible:

  • Fill prescriptions: Remember to fill prescriptions in the days prior to your procedure so you are ready to manage any resulting discomfort. 

  • Test compression garments: These help reduce swelling and support your abdominal area as it heals. Test them in advance of surgery to be sure they are comfortable and you have a chance to resolve any questions.

  • Wound care materials: Be sure you have what you need on hand. While for the most part, post-operative visits will take care of this need, you may need a few supplies to support your healing process. Your surgeon will provide specific instructions on how to best prevent infection and support optimal results. 

  • Scar care products: Scar gels or strips can greatly improve the appearance of your tummy tuck scar, and your plastic surgeon will tell you when you are healed enough to start a scar scare routine. 

  • Drain supplies: If your procedure involves recovery drains, consider a drain belt or pouch to make movement easier and more comfortable. Your surgeon should provide guidance.

  • Comfortable clothing: Choose loose clothing that is easy to put on and remove without excessive bending. Button-down tops, baggy sweats, and robes are good choices.

  • Nutritious foods & hydration: Stock your refrigerator (at arm level for easy reach) with healthy, ready-to-eat snacks and meals, and drink plenty of water throughout the day to support your healing process.

  • Pillows: Pillows can be used to help prop up your head and feet as well as reduce swelling and help you sleep better, especially during the first few weeks post-op. Test what feels most comfortable and consider acquiring wedge-shaped pillows.

  • Laxatives: Anesthesia and pain medications can cause constipation; having a gentle laxative at the ready can help alleviate digestive discomfort.

  • Entertainment: Your only priority during recovery should be to rest. Thus, you’ll need to keep plenty of books, magazines, or other digital entertainment options nearby to keep your spirits up during recovery. 

  • Chargers: Don’t forget chargers for your devices and your phone to happily pass the time and stay connected with your loved ones and medical team.

Taking time to outfit your recovery space with these tummy tuck supplies will help you feel prepared and help you focus on healing and enjoy superior results. 

“She is incredible!!! She handled my care with such kindness, gentleness and respect. She is incredibly knowledgeable and has superior skills. I would recommend her without any reservations to anyone!!” 

—Tummy tuck patient

Tummy tuck surgery with Dr. Sharline Aboutanos

If you’re interested in sculpting your abdominal area, a tummy tuck may be the ideal procedure to achieve your goals. Dr. Sharline Aboutanos, a female plastic surgeon Richmond patients trust for safe, naturally beautiful results, would be happy to discuss your goals and assess your unique anatomy to create a treatment plan and personalize your tummy tuck results. 

Dr. Aboutanos takes special care to understand her patient’s expectations and considers every aspect of tummy tuck surgery, from discreet incision placement to a natural belly button appearance. Call Dr. Aboutanos at (804) 355-3410 or contact her online to learn what a tummy tuck can achieve for you.


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