How to Improve Wellness Without Breaking the Bank


Is getting healthy on your 2019 “to-do” list? Between expensive gym memberships, pricey organic foods, and lack of time, it feels like a daunting task for many. That’s why mindbodygreen put their minds to the issue. They came up with a number of straightforward wellness tips for any budget—and level of motivation—that I thought were worth sharing here on my blog.

Here are my takes on their friendly ideas for becoming healthier without breaking the bank or running out of steam.

Movement is key; choose something easy and make it a habit

You don’t have to have a pricey membership at the local Orangetheory gym to get in shape—simply choose to get outside and move. According to Harvard Health, even something as basic as walking for 30 minutes a day is proven to greatly improve both mood and health.

If the weather isn’t cooperating, go digital: there are plenty of fitness apps that are both affordable (or free) and user-friendly. For instance, you can plan workouts with friends, get access to personal trainers, and have hundreds of classes at your fingertips with the online app Tone it Up, which costs just $13/month.

Whatever movement you choose to add to your days, make it a habit to reap the benefits. It takes most of us a few weeks to build a new habit, so consider assigning yourself one month of a specific activity. A single month won’t feel intimidating, and after that, it’s likely to become a natural part of your schedule.

If calming the mind while building muscle tone is your goal, try Yoga with Adriene. The free classes at her YouTube channel are suitable for any skill level (simply be cautious as you try new movements and gradually work up to the full form of the asana). Many sessions are as short as 20 minutes.

Whatever movement you choose to add to your days, making it a habit is key to reaping the benefits. Because it takes most people a few weeks of repeated effort to build a new habit, consider assigning yourself one month of a specific daily movement activity. A single month won’t feel intimidating and, after that, it’s likely to become a natural part of your schedule.

For example, you can decide to do some deep breathing and practice yoga for 20 minutes before that first cup of coffee. Or always take a brisk walk after dinner (even if it can’t be long) before you settle down to watch something on Netflix.

Focus on relaxation

Between work, family, friends, and household obligations, life is busy, making it easy to become overwhelmed by daily demands. Stress can rear its ugly head in a variety of ways, including depression and anxiety, as well as undermine your overall wellness.

A simple way to unwind after a long day that will only add a little to your water bill? A bath. Add in a few lavender tea bags or drops of essential oil for scent and a cup of epsom salt, and you’ve got your own personal spa.

The key to success with meditation is getting help at the start, as the mind is likely to run wild without some guidance (remember Julia Roberts in Eat, Pray, Love?)

If baths aren’t your thing, try meditation. Most of us can find time to try this mindful practice that will clear your head and has been proven to help reduce depression, chronic pain, and anxiety without drugs. The key to success with meditation is getting help at the start, as the mind is likely to run wild without some guidance (remember Julia Roberts in Eat, Pray, Love?). Look for a local meditation group or try a free guided meditation app such as SimpleHabit.

Feed your mind & body

A better diet is one of the top resolutions people set in the new year, and if you’re wondering how to eat healthier, it could be as simple as setting up a meal plan for your family.

Repeating meals will allow you to get super comfortable with every step and cooking will become more relaxing. Your food budget, grocery list, and timing for shopping can also be set in stone!

Repeating meals on a weekly basis vastly simplifies the challenges of adopting healthy eating. Get started by choosing 7 healthy dinners you can manage, then figure out which meals are most doable on work nights, weekends, and so on. Tinker a bit to fit your taste, abilities, and budget in the first few weeks, and you’ll soon by on your way.

If you’ve got kids they’re likely to love the routine, knowing their favorite tacos or pasta are coming up on a certain night. Repeating meals also means you’ll get super comfortable with every step in cooking and can assign specific chores to family members, which will make it all more relaxing. Your food budget, grocery list, and timing for shopping can also be practically set in stone!

Another path toward easy, healthier meals are meal subscription services. There are a handful of options that will take portion math and most grocery shopping out of your weekly routine. For instance, Blue Apron will give you every ingredient you need to make delicious meals with detailed instructions for novice cooks.

Another option for avoiding grocery shopping (and the temptation of junk food) is to order sustainably sourced meats from a service such as Butcher Box and combine it with a CSA subscription from local Richmond farmers (your CSA can include produce, eggs, etc). Even with the variability of seasonal produce, you can still pattern a meal plan and adjust it as the produce in your CSA box changes. For instance, in winter, a vegetable side in the weekly rotation might be roasted broccoli, and in summer you would simply trade that out for roasted zucchini.

I hope at least a few of these ideas have been helpful to you. Being healthier is a worthy goal and I know you can do it: it just takes some practice and patience. I wish you much luck and success with your endeavors!


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