Dr. Aboutanos Chats Ear Surgery for Kids with eHealth Radio


When most hear the words “plastic surgery,” they typically think of breast augmentation and liposuction—not life-changing procedures for children. However, pediatric plastic surgery can be immensely helpful to children born with traits or birth defects that significantly affect their self-esteem or peer interactions.

Dr. Aboutanos routinely performs reconstructive procedures to help children develop a healthy relationship with their image—and she recently chatted with eHealth Radio about ear surgery for children. Otoplasty (also known as ear pinning) has helped changed thousands of children’s lives for the better over the last few decades, though many parents question if it’s the right decision for their child

Listen to the full interview to learn more about the procedure and how to decide if it’s right for you and your family.

The bottomline: Pediatric otoplasty can be beneficial for your child, but it’s a personal decision

Overly large, protruding ears can make some children (or even adults) feel self-conscious or out of place. In adolescence, exaggerated physical traits can also lead to ostracization from peers, which can have a lasting impact on your child’s emotional wellbeing. However, even knowing these things, the choice to put your young child through surgery can be difficult.

Dr. Aboutanos encourages parents to have an evaluation with an experienced pediatric plastic surgeon to learn more about the procedure, recovery, risks, and benefits as they begin considering their options. Speak with your pediatrician and spouse/partner (or close family members) before you commit to surgery. If you don’t feel 100% sure, you don’t have to rush your decision; the procedure is effective whether performed in early childhood or delayed until later adolescence or adulthood.

In the end, only you and your child can determine what is the best choice and what age to have surgery if you go ahead. Even so, relatives and family friends may express opinions ranging from thinking it is urgent to help your child with ear pinning to strong opposition to a pediatric plastic surgery procedure. Whatever you decide upon, you can tell others you’ve carefully thought it through and are comfortable with your decision (and/or you prefer not to discuss personal family matters).

If you have questions, wonder if the procedure is right for your child, or would like help considering the pros and cons of pediatric plastic surgery, scheduling a personal consultation is the first step. Contact us today if you’re looking for a Richmond pediatric plastic surgery practice you can trust. Dr. Aboutanos is board certified, has over a decade of surgical experience, and would love to help!


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