Watch One Woman’s Journey from BRCA2 Diagnosis to Breast Reconstruction


The first diagnosis of breast cancer is the beginning of a challenging personal journey filled with numerous physical and mental ups and downs. While everyone has a unique experience, it’s common to cycle through a rollercoaster of emotions, from denial and confusion to vulnerability and fear. Connecting with real women who understand what you are going through along the way is an invaluable tool for coping.

RealSelf recently shared a four-part feature of one woman’s story after being diagnosed as positive for the BRCA2 gene mutation, which dramatically increases the risk of developing breast cancer.

Sara Altschule devoted all of her energy to finding out as much information as she could from both the medical community and other women who had experienced what she was going through on RealSelf—and armed with the knowledge they shared, she made the decision to have a double mastectomy with breast reconstruction.

Watch her journey below:

Dr. Aboutanos hears stories like Sara’s every day—and she’s here to help you understand your options with empathetic, expert care

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, a yearly campaign developed to increase awareness of breast cancer, inspire men and women to know the symptoms and get checked, and provide avenues for volunteering and fundraising to support research.

While this annual push for awareness is beneficial and important, breast cancer doesn’t take the other 11 months of the year off. As a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Sharline Aboutanos works year-round with women who have struggled with breast cancer—and one of the most rewarding parts of her job is helping these women regain normalcy and a sense of identity after such a trying experience.

“I have close to 10 years of experience caring for women with breast cancer and getting them through a successful breast reconstruction. As a woman, I am able to relate to a variety of their concerns, and I think my understanding, compassion, and willingness to truly listen helps my breast reconstruction patients feel more comfortable.” —Dr. Aboutanos

For women who have chosen to have their breasts reconstructed after mastectomy, the number of options can feel overwhelming—and it can be challenging to know where to start. Dr. Aboutanos understands, and she makes sure to spend all the time you need to feel comfortable and well-informed about your options.

During your consultation, Dr. Aboutanos will spend the majority of the appointment listening to you so she can fully understand where you are coming from and what your primary concerns and goals are. She follows this up with detailed information about the benefits and risks of surgery, specifics about your personal options, and a short- and long-term plan that is customized to you. Additionally, she’ll detail how she can work with your other surgeons and healthcare providers to coordinate reconstruction around your mastectomy or chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

Dr. Aboutanos is also well-versed in the latest techniques for providing natural results, improving recovery, and restoring a natural-looking breast mound without implants. She can help you determine the best choices for you, whether it be using fat grafting techniques or picking out the perfect breast implant to suit your lifestyle.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with information (or emotions) and are wondering how to move forward, we invite you to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Aboutanos. Contact our office today to get started.


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